S7-SoftPLC:Configure the CP340/CP440 emulation via user interface

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User interface displaying CP340/CP440 configuration

The basic settings of the CP340/CP440 emulation are conducted here.

Receive FB

Number of FB to receive telegrams from serial interface.

Send FB

Number of FB to send telegrams to serial interface.

Behavior on PLC stop

Configures the behavior of the CP on PLC stop on following values: continue, pause, close port.

On operating mode "continue" the telegram in send buffer is sent and telegrams are received continously, based on settings of receive buffer saved or rejected.

On operating mode "pause" the telegram in send buffer is sent and telegrams are rejected or receiving is prevented by flow control.

On operating mode "close port" the serial interface is closed and on warm/hot restart reopened.

Configured serial interfaces

All configured interfaces are listet with their parameters here.

Port name

Name of serial interface f.i.: COM1


Number to call the interface from PLC program via send and receive FB. There must be a unique assignment between this address and the chosen serial port, since this number is used to identify the serial port by its name (e.g. COM1). Except for 0 any number can be used. Typically an address that would be used for a real CP340 should be entered.

Baud rate

Speed of serial interface in bauds per sec.

Data bits

Numbers of databits per sign.


Parity of interface.

Stop bits

Numbers of stop bits per sign.

Flow control

Determins the flow control


Only on flow control equals Xon/Xoff

Xon- and Xoff-sign of flow control in hexadecimal representation

End detection

Determins the end detection


Only on end detection equals charater delay time

Character delay time is the number of milli seconds passed after the last sign of the telegram to mark the end.


Only on end detection unequals character delay time

Monitor time on missing end detection in milli seconds.

Tel. length

Only on end detechtion equals telegram length

Count of signs in a complete telegram.

End sign (2)

Only on end detection (2) end signs

Endsign, in hexadecimal representation, on detecting telegram end.

On "2 end signs" at first "end sign 1", then "end sign 2" has to be received.

Write protection

Prevents overwrite in receive buffer. On receiving new data by full receive buffer the new data is rejected, otherwise old telegram is been overwritten.


Number of telegrams buffered.


Time, in milli seconds, to wait after sending last sign of telegram, befor next telegram is been sent.

Used to synchronize subscriber.