OPCServer:Create Variables manually with Intouch
From IBHsoftec Wiki English
Intouch with the IBHsoftec OPC Server V4.x
HOWTO create variables manually
Please run the Intouch programm OPCLink.
Select <Configure> <Topic Defintions>
Define a topic Name (i.e. IBH_OPC ).
In the entry field OPC Server Name please select the server IBHSoftec.IBHOPC.DA.1.
The entry OPC Path must stay empty.
Please run the Intouch WindowMaker:
Create a new access name :
Select the newly created access name.
The entry <Item> consists of :
<D><Access-Path>.<Item Name>
In our sample : DS7_300.M1.0
Whereby the <D> is the notation for Discrete.
Following values are possible :
d | discrete value |
i | integer value |
r | real value |
m | message value |
The <Access-Path> represents the name of the <PLC>, which has been created in the IBH OPC Editor:
The OPC variables may now be used in the WindowMaker.