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=== PUT / GET Functions ===
==== Configured Connection ====
The PUT(SFB 15) and GET(SFB 14) blocks can be used to read and write data directly from a S7 controller with the SoftPLC integrated in the IBH Link UA. Data can be read or written from freely addressable data areas of the partner PLC.
For this purpose, a S7 connection from the IBH SoftPLC to the desired PLC can be configured within the Simatic Manager or the TIA Portal:
'''Download: [http://download.ibhsoftec.com/german/Beispiele/IBH_Link_UA_PUT_GET_S71200_V13_SP1.zip TIA Sample: IBH Link UA SoftPLC PUT GET S7-1200 ]'''
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==== SFB15 PUT Special function  ====
The SFB15 PUT can also be used to enter own S7 connections on top of the connections already made with STEP7 or TIA. To do this, the SFB15 PUT with the special ID 65400 is called within the OB100("Complete restart"). The ADDR and SD fields are then used to specify the connection information.
Usage: To access another PLC on Rack 0 Slot 2, only the IP address and the number of the new local ID are required.
    CALL  PUT , "InstanceDbPut"
    REQ : = TRUE
    ID : = 65400
    DONE : = "DoneFlag"
    ERROR : = "ErrorFlag"
    STATUS : = "StatusWord"
    ADDR_1 : = P#DB10.DBX0.0 BYTE 20  // IP address or host name as character array in the form ""
    ADDR_2 : =
    ADDR_3 : =
    ADDR_4 : = P#DB10.DBX24.0 WORD 1  // If another port than 102 is used, it can be specified as WORD
    SD_1 : = P#DB10.DBX26.0 WORD 1          // Number of the new, free local ID as WORD
    SD_2 : =
    SD_3 : =
    SD_4 : =
Usage: To access another PLC on Rack 0 Slot 1 (wthin our sample a S7-1200), not only the IP address and the number of the new local ID are required, in this case also the TSAPs need to be specified.
    CALL  PUT , "InstanceDbPut"
    REQ : = TRUE
    ID : = 65400
    DONE : = "DoneFlag"
    ERROR : = "ErrorFlag"
    STATUS : = "StatusWord"
    ADDR_1 : = P#DB10.DBX0.0 BYTE 20  // IP address or host name as character array in the form ""
    ADDR_2 : = P#DB10.DBX20.0 BYTE 2  // Remote TSAP as byte array in the form b#16#1 b#16#1
    ADDR_3 : = P#DB10.DBX22.0 BYTE 2  // Local  TSAP as byte array in the form b#16#1 b#16#0
    ADDR_4 : = P#DB10.DBX24.0 WORD 1  // If another port than 102 is used, it can be specified as WORD
    SD_1 : = P#DB10.DBX26.0 WORD 1          // Number of the new, free local ID as WORD
    SD_2 : =
    SD_3 : =
    SD_4 : =
'''Download: [http://download.ibhsoftec.com/english/Samples/IBH_Link_UA_Put_Get_Special_S7W.zip S7 for Windows® Sample: IBH Link UA SoftPLC PUT Special function S7-1200 ]'''
'''Download: [http://download.ibhsoftec.com/english/Samples/IBH_Link_UA_Put_Get_Special_Step7.zip Step7 Sample: IBH Link UA SoftPLC PUT Special function S7-1200 ]'''
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Latest revision as of 11:47, 11 May 2017


The IBH Link UA additional contains a SoftPLC. The SoftPLC is able to read and write variables from the OPC UA server.

The integrated SoftPLC can be used for data preprocessing and supports the programming languages LAD, FBD, STL, SCL or S7-GRAPH.

IBH Link UA SoftPLC Overview.png


Activate the integrated SoftPLC

First, the SoftPLC needs to be activated using the web interface:

IBH Link UA SoftPLC Insert.png

Define SoftPLC within PLC project

Therefore on the defined slot of the PC station a SoftPLC must be added.

SIMATIC Manager:

IBH Link UA SoftPLC Insert STEP7.png

IBH Link UA SoftPLC S7 Configuration STEP7.png

TIA Portal:

IBH Link UA SoftPLC Catalog TIA.png

IBH Link UA SoftPLC Configuration TIA.png

A S7 connection between the SoftPLC and the OPC UA Server must be established:

SIMATIC Manager:

IBH Link UA SoftPLC S7 Connection STEP7.png


IBH Link UA SoftPLC Server Connections TIA.png

The SoftPLC supports the programming languages LAD, FBD, STL, SCL or S7-GRAPH.

SoftPLC Status and Settings

The SoftPLC Status can be monitored on the web interface:

IBH Link UA SoftPLC Status.png

The performance of the SoftPLC can be adjusted:

CPU Share PLC processing time (1000 mixed instructions)
50% apx. 360 µs
33% apx. 550 µs
25% apx. 720 µs
20% apx. 900 µs
12% apx. 1800 µs

Furthermore, the status of the SoftPLC Connections is available.:

IBH Link UA SoftPLC Connections.png

Server Function

A S7 connection between the SoftPLC and the OPC UA Server must be established::

SIMATIC Manager:

IBH Link UA SoftPLC S7 Connection STEP7.png


IBH Link UA SoftPLC Server Connections TIA.png

Within the properties of the OPC Server at <General> <S7> <OPC tags> the OPC Tags can be selected:

IBH Link UA SoftPLC Server OPC Variables.png

Now the configuration needs to be downloaded to the IBH Link UA:

IBH Link UA SoftPLC Download TIA.png

The configuration is now completed and the tags from the SoftPLC within the IBH Link UA are available :

IBH Link UA SoftPLC OPC Slot.png

IBH Link UA SoftPLC UA Client.png

Client Function

Cyclic Read and Write

The SoftPLC is able to read and write the OPC variables cyclically.
The configuration will be done within the SFB 8 (USEND) and called during the warm start (OB100).

Parameter Declaration Data type Storage area description
REQ INPUT BOOL E, A, M, D, L Not evaluated
ID INPUT WORD M, D, Const. Fixed value: 65400
R_ID INPUT DWORD E, A, M, D, L, Const. Mode
Low Byte:
0: Read(Variable as XML String)
1: Write(Variable as XML String)
2: Read(PLC Variable)
3: Write(PLC Variable)
4: Read(Special Variable)
5: Write(Special Variable)
6: Read(Server Variable)
7: Write(Server Variable)

Flag 14:While writing the Any Pointer points to DATE_AND_TIME
Flyg 15: While writing the Any Pointer points to a STRING

High Word:
Sampling in milliseconds
DONE OUTPUT BOOL E, A, M, D, L is not set
The parameters were passed correctly
The parameters were passed not correctly
STATUS OUTPUT WORD E, A, M, D, L 0x0000 on success, 0x8090 on error.
SD_1 IN_OUT ANY D Pointer to the OPC Variable.
SD_2 IN_OUT ANY E, A, M, D Pointer to the OPC Variable for the value of the OPC Variable.

If the ANY pointer points to a DB, the DB must always be specified (f.i.: P# DB10.DBX5.0 Byte 0).

SD_3 IN_OUT ANY E, A, M, D Pointer to the PLC Variable for the status of the Variable.
Allowed is Data Type DWORD
If the ANY pointer points to a DB, the DB must always be specified (f.i.: P# DB10.DBX5.0 Byte 10).
SD_4 IN_OUT ANY D Pointer to the PLC Variable for the Time Stamp.
Allowed is Data Type DATE_AND_TIME.
If the ANY pointer points to a DB, the DB must always be specified (f.i.: P# DB10.DBX5.0 Byte 10).

The OPC Variables are defined as follows:

Mode 0 and 1: ´ns=<Namespace>;s=<Identifier>´
or: ns=<Namespace>;i=<Numeric Identifier>´
All OPC Variables can be read using this mode. The IBH Link UA knows the following Namespaces

Namespace Area
0 General OPC Server Variables
1, 2, 3, 5 No evaluable variables
4 All PLC specific OPC variables
6 IBH Link UA Special Variables
Mode 2 and 3: ´<Identifier>´
The identifier is formed as follows:
<Station name>.<PLC Name>.<GlobalVars>.<Variable name from Variables table>
<Station name>.<PLC Name>.<Programs>..<Variable name>

Mode 4 and 5: <Numeric Identifier>
Number of the Special Variable from Namespace 6.
Modus 6 and 7: <Numeric Identifier>
Number of the Server Variable from Namespace 0.

Sample TIA Portal

Create a function block for the client configuration:

IBH Link UA SoftPLC Create New Block.png

IBH Link UA SoftPLC Config Block.png

The PLC Variable OutputVal will be written cyclically into the OPC Variable S7-1500.S7-1500.GlobalVars.InputVal.
The sampling rate is 16#00c8 or 200 milliseconds.
The OPC Status is written in the same cycle as Output Val into the variable # Status_1 and the time stamp of the cycle into the variable # timestamp_1 .
Now the configuration block must be called within OB100.

Server Bridge

The basic procedure is described at IBH Link UA Client Functions.

The server, between which a communication should be established, need to be defined.

First, the own server URL of the IBH Link UA is specified:

IBH Link UA SoftPLC Discovery Servers.png

Furthermore, the desired security level can be chosen.

Now the variables of the SoftPLC can be selected for reading:

IBH Link UA SoftPLC Select Variables To Read.png

and can be connected to a variable of another OPC UA Server:

IBH Link UA SoftPLC Connect Variables.png

PUT / GET Functions

Configured Connection

The PUT(SFB 15) and GET(SFB 14) blocks can be used to read and write data directly from a S7 controller with the SoftPLC integrated in the IBH Link UA. Data can be read or written from freely addressable data areas of the partner PLC.

For this purpose, a S7 connection from the IBH SoftPLC to the desired PLC can be configured within the Simatic Manager or the TIA Portal:

IBH Link UA SoftPLC Put Get TIA.png

Download: TIA Sample: IBH Link UA SoftPLC PUT GET S7-1200

SFB15 PUT Special function

The SFB15 PUT can also be used to enter own S7 connections on top of the connections already made with STEP7 or TIA. To do this, the SFB15 PUT with the special ID 65400 is called within the OB100("Complete restart"). The ADDR and SD fields are then used to specify the connection information.

Usage: To access another PLC on Rack 0 Slot 2, only the IP address and the number of the new local ID are required.

    CALL  PUT , "InstanceDbPut"
    REQ : = TRUE
    ID : = 65400
    DONE : = "DoneFlag"
    ERROR : = "ErrorFlag"
    STATUS : = "StatusWord"
    ADDR_1 : = P#DB10.DBX0.0 BYTE 20  // IP address or host name as character array in the form "" 
    ADDR_2 : =
    ADDR_3 : =
    ADDR_4 : = P#DB10.DBX24.0 WORD 1  // If another port than 102 is used, it can be specified as WORD
    SD_1 : = P#DB10.DBX26.0 WORD 1          // Number of the new, free local ID as WORD
    SD_2 : =
    SD_3 : =
    SD_4 : =

Usage: To access another PLC on Rack 0 Slot 1 (wthin our sample a S7-1200), not only the IP address and the number of the new local ID are required, in this case also the TSAPs need to be specified.

    CALL  PUT , "InstanceDbPut"
    REQ : = TRUE
    ID : = 65400
    DONE : = "DoneFlag"
    ERROR : = "ErrorFlag"
    STATUS : = "StatusWord"
    ADDR_1 : = P#DB10.DBX0.0 BYTE 20  // IP address or host name as character array in the form "" 
    ADDR_2 : = P#DB10.DBX20.0 BYTE 2  // Remote TSAP as byte array in the form b#16#1 b#16#1
    ADDR_3 : = P#DB10.DBX22.0 BYTE 2  // Local  TSAP as byte array in the form b#16#1 b#16#0
    ADDR_4 : = P#DB10.DBX24.0 WORD 1  // If another port than 102 is used, it can be specified as WORD
    SD_1 : = P#DB10.DBX26.0 WORD 1          // Number of the new, free local ID as WORD
    SD_2 : =
    SD_3 : =
    SD_4 : =

Download: S7 for Windows® Sample: IBH Link UA SoftPLC PUT Special function S7-1200

Download: Step7 Sample: IBH Link UA SoftPLC PUT Special function S7-1200

Instruction set

Bit logic instructions

Instruction Operand Description
A AND with a scan to "1"“
AN AND with a scan to "0"
O OR with scan to "1"
ON OR with scan to "0"
X Exclusive-OR with a scan to "1"
XN Exclusive-OR with a scan to "0"
I of an input
Q of an output
M of a memory
L of a local data bit
T of a timer
C of a counter
DBX of a data bit
DIX of an instant data bit
==0 result equal zero
<>0 result unequal zero
>0 result greater than zero
>=0 result greater or equal zero
<0 result less than zero
<=0 result less or equal zero
UO invalid result
OV overflow
OS overflow (saving)
BR binary result

Other boolean logic instructions

Operation Operand Description
A( AND left parenthesis
AN( AND NOT left parenthesis
O( OR left parenthesis
ON( OR NOT left parenthesis
X( Exclusive OR left parenthesis
XN( Exclusive OR NOT left parenthesis
) Right parenthesis
O OR-ing AND operations
NOT Negate RLO
SET Set RLO to "1"
CLR Set RLO to "0"
SAVE Save RLO to the BR bit

Operation Operand Description
= Assign value of RLO
S Set
R Reset
FP Positive edge detection
FN Negative edge detection
I of an input bit
Q of an output bit
M of a memory bit
L of a local data bit
DBX of a data bit
DIX of a instance data bit

Master Control Relay

Operation Operand Description
MCRA Activate MCR
MCRD Deactivate MCR
MCR( Open MCR zone
)MCR Close MCR zone

Load / Transfer instructions

Operation Operand Description
L Load operand
T Transfer operand
IB Input byte
IW Input word
ID Input double word
QB Output byte
QW Output word
QD Output double word
MB Memory byte
MW Memory word
MD Memory double word
LB Local data byte
LW Local data word
LD Local data double word
DBB Data block byte
DBW Data block word
DBD Data block double word
DIB Instance data block byte
DIW Instance data block word
DID Instance data block double word
STW Status word
L const Load constant value
L #Pointer Load pointer
L T Timer
LC T Timer (BCD coded)
L Z Counter
LC Z Counter (BCD coded)
L DBNO Data block number
L DBLG Data block length
L DINO Instance data block number
L DILG Instance data block length

Peripheral access instructions

Peripheral access is not possible with the integrated SoftPLC.

Accumulator instructions

Operation Operand Description
PUSH Push accumulators upwards
POP Push accumulators downwards
ENT Push accumulators (without A1) A2->A3, A3->A4
LEAVE Push accumulators (without A1) A4->A3, A3->A2
TAK Change ACCU1 with ACCU2
CAW Change ACCU1 bytes 0 and 1
CAD Change ACCU1 bytes 0 and 3, 1 and 2

Shift and rotating instructions

Operation Operand Description
SLW Shift ACCU1-L left (word shift)
SLD Shift ACCU1 left (double word shift)
SRW Shift ACCU1-L right (word shift)
SRD Shift ACCU1 right (double word shift)
SSI Shift ACCU1-L right (word shift with sign)
SSD Shift ACCU1 right (double word shift with sign)
RLD Rotate ACCU1 left (double word)
RLDA Rotate ACCU1 left through CC1
RRDA Rotate ACCU1 right through CC1
RRD Rotate ACCU1 right (double word)
const Number of places to shift/rotate
- Number of places to shift/rotate located in ACCU2

Timer instructions

Operation Operand Description
SP T Start as impulse
SE T Start as extended impulse
SD T Start as ON-delay
SS T Start as saving ON-delay
SF T Start as OFF-delay
R T Reset timer
FR T Enable timer

Counter instructions

Operation Operand Description
CU C Count up (increment)
CD C Count down (decrement)
S C Set counter
R C Reset counter
FR C Enable counter

Word instructions

Operation Operand Description
AD AND ACCU1 (AND double word)
OW OR ACCU1-L (OR word)
OD OR ACCU1 (OR double word)
XOW Exclusive-OR ACCU (XOR word)
XOD Exclusive-OR ACCU (XOR double word)
const with a word or double word constant
- with ACCU2

Arithmetic instructions

Operation Operand Description
==I Integer values equal
<>I Integer values unequal
>I Integer values greater
>=I Integer values greater or equal
<I Integer values less
<=I Integer values less or equal
==D Double integer values equal
<>D Double integer values unequal
>D Double integer values greater
>=D Double integer values greater or equal
<D Double integer values less
<=D Double integer values less or equal
==R Real values equal
<>R Real values unequal
>R Real values greater
>=R Real values greater or equal
<R Real values less
<=R Real values less or equal
SIN Sine of a real value
COS Cosine of a real value
TAN Tangent of a real value
ASIN Arcsine of a real value
ACOS Arccosine of a real value
ATAN Arctangent of a real value
SQR Square a real value
SQRT Square root a real value
EXP e to the power of a real value
LN Natural logarithm of a real value
+I Integer addition
-I Integer subtraction
*I Integer multiplication
/I Integer division
+D Double-integer addition
-D Double-integer subtraction
*D Double-integer multiplication
/D Double-integer division
+R Real addition
-R Real subtraction
*R Real multiplication
/R Real division
MOD Double integer division (modulo)
+ const Add a constant
+P# const Add a pointer
DEC decrement ACCU1-LL (one byte)
INC increment ACCU1-LL (one byte)

Data type conversion instructions

Operation Operand Description
ITD Convert integer to double integer
ITB Convert integer to BCD
DTB Convert double integer to BCD
DTR Convert double integer to real
BTI Convert BCD to integer
BTD Convert BCD to double integer
RND Convert real to double integer (round)
RND+ Convert real to double integer (round up)
RND- Convert real to double integer (round down)
TRUNC Convert real to double integer (truncate)
INVI Invert ACCU1-L (integer)
INVD Invert ACCU1 (double integer)
NEGI Negate ACCU1-L (integer)
NEGD Negate ACCU1 (double integer)
NEGR Negate ACCU1 (real)
ABS Absolute value (real)

Jump instructions

Operation Operand Description
JU goal Jump unconditional
JC goal Jump if RLO = 1
JCB goal Jump if RLO = 1 (save RLO)
JCN goal Jump if RLO = 0
JNB goal Jump if RLO = 0 (save RLO)
JBI goal Jump if BR = 1
JNBI goal Jump if BR = 0
JZ goal Jump if compare result = 0
JN goal Jump if compare result != 0
JP goal Jump if compare result > 0
JPZ goal Jump if compare result >= 0
JM goal Jump if compare result < 0
JMZ goal Jump if compare result <= 0
JUO goal Jump if compare result "Unordered Math Instruction"
JO goal Jump on overflow
JOS goal Jump on saving overflow
JL goal Jump distributor
LOOP goal Loop programming (decrement ACCU1-L and jump if != 0

Block call instructions

Operation Operand Description
CALL FB Unconditional call of an FB with parameter transfer
CALL FC Unconditional call of an FC with parameter transfer
CALL SFB Unconditional call of an SFB with parameter transfer
CALL SFC Unconditional call of an SFC with parameter transfer
UC FB Unconditional call of an FB without parameter transfer
CC FB Conditional call of an FB without parameter transfer
UC FC Unconditional call of an FC without parameter transfer
CC FC Conditional call of an FC without parameter transfer
BEU End block unconditionally
BEC End block conditionally (RLO = 1)
BE End block
DB Open data block
DI Open instance data block
TDB Exchange data block registers

Indirect addressing instructions

Operation Operand Description
LAR1/LAR2 Load AR1/AR2
MD with memory double word
LD with local data double word
DBD with data block double word
DID with instance data block double word
LAR1 - Load AR1 with ACCU1
LAR2 - Load AR2 with ACCU1
LAR1 AR2 Load AR1 with AR2
LAR1 P# Load AR1 with pointer
LAR2 P# Load AR2 with pointer
TAR1/TAR2 Transfer in AR1/AR2
MD in memory double word
LD in local data double word
DBD in data block double word
DID in instance data block double word
TAR1 - Transfer AR1 in ACCU1
TAR2 - Transfer AR2 in ACCU1
TAR1 AR2 Transfer AR1 in AR2
TAR Swap AR1 with AR2
+AR1 Add ACCU1 to AR1
+AR2 Add ACCU1 to AR2
+AR1 P# Add pointer to AR1
+AR2 P# Add pointer to AR2

Program display and null operation instructions

Operation Operand Description
NOP 0 Null operation instruction
NOP 1 Null operation instruction
BLD const Program display instruction (null operation)

Integrated organisation blocks

The organisation blocks, listed in the chart below, are executed, if they are programmed:

OB no Short Description
OB 1 Main program
OB 10 – OB 17 Time alarm
OB 20 – OB 23 Delay alarm
OB 30 – OB 38 Time blocks (cyclic call)
OB 80 – OB 87 Error blocks
OB 90 Background execution
OB 100/OB 101 Warm or hot restart
OB 121/OB 122 Programming faults

Integrated system functions

All system functions (SFC) relevant for a Software PLC are integrated in S7-SoftPLC.

The chart below shows the available SFCs(in numeric listing)

SFC no SF name Short Description
SFC 0 SET_CLK Set system clock
SFC 1 READ_CLK Read system clock
SFC 6 RD_SINFO Read start information of actual OB
SFC 20 BLKMOV Copy PLC-variable in target-area
SFC 21 FILL Preoccupy PLC-variable in target-area
SFC 22 CREAT_DB Create data block
SFC 23 DEL_DB Delete data block
SFC 24 TEST_DB Test attributes of a data block
SFC 25 COMPRESS Compress load memory
SFC 28 SET_TINT Set time alarm
SFC 29 CAN_TINT Stop time alarm (do not execute)
SFC 30 ACT_TINT Enable time alarm
SFC 31 QRY_TINT Status of time alarm
SFC 32 SRT_DINT Start delay alarm
SFC 33 CAN_DINT Stop delay alarm
SFC 34 QRY_DINT Status query of delay alarm
SFC 36 MSK_FLT Mask a synchron error occurrence
SFC 37 DMSK_FLT Demask a synchron error occurrence
SFC 38 READ_ERR Read out the occurrence status register
SFC 39 DIS_IRT Locking the asynchron and alarm error processing
SFC 40 EN_IRT Enable the asynchron and alarm error processing
SFC 41 DIS_AIRT Delay high-priority asynchron and alarm error processing
SFC 42 EN_AIRT Enable high-priority asynchron and alarm error processing
SFC 43 RE_TRIGR Retrigger the Watchdog
SFC 46 STP CPU operating state STOP
SFC 51 RDSYST Read out system status list (SSL)
SFC 64 TIME_TCK Timer Tick
SFC 81 UBLKMOV Block Move, that can not be stopped

Integrated system blocks

The system blocks (SFB) relevant for a software PLC are integrated in S7-SoftPLC.

The following system function blocks are supported:

SFB no SFB name Short Description
SFB 0 CTU Count up
SFB 1 CTD Count down
SFB 2 CTUD Count up and down
SFB 3 TP Generate pulse
SFB 4 TON Generate ON-delay
SFB 5 TOF Generate OFF-delay
SFB 8 USEND OPC UA Client Configuration
SFB 32 DRUM Implement sequencer

Technical Data

Load memory 5 MB
Main memory > 100 MB
Blocks 16.384
Flags (Bit) 131.072
Timer 2048
Counter 2048
Digital I/O 32.768 Bit
processing times 1)
CPU Chare PLC 50% apx. 360 µs
CPU Chare PLC 33% apx. 550 µs
CPU Chare PLC 25% apx. 720 µs
CPU Chare SPS 20% apx. 900 µs
CPU Chare SPS 12% apx. 1800 µs

1) 1024 mixed instructions (50% Binär, 50% Digital)